Every expression and function in Haskell has a type . For example, the value True has the type Bool , while the value "foo" has the type String . The type of a value indicates that it shares certain properties with other values of the same type. For example, we can add numbers, and we can concatenate lists; these are properties of those types. We say an expression “ has type X ”, or “ is of type X ”.
Before we launch into a deeper discussion of Haskell's type system, let's talk about why we should care about types at all: what are they even for ? At the lowest level, a computer is concerned with bytes, with barely any additional structure. What a type system gives us is abstraction . A type adds meaning to plain bytes: it lets us say “ these bytes are text ”, “ those bytes are an airline reservation ”, and so on. Usually, a type system goes beyond this to prevent us from accidentally mixing types up: for example, a type system usually won't let us treat a hotel reservation as a car rental receipt.
The benefit of introducing abstraction is that it lets us forget or ignore low-level details. If I know that a value in my program is a string, I don't have to know the intimate details of how strings are implemented: I can just assume that my string is going to behave like all the other strings I've worked with.
What makes type systems interesting is that they're not all equal. In fact, different type systems are often not even concerned with the same kinds of problems. A programming language's type system deeply colours the way we think, and write code, in that language.
Haskell's type system allows us to think at a very abstract level: it permits us to write concise, powerful programs.
There are three interesting aspects to types in Haskell: they are strong , they are static , and they can be automatically inferred . Let's talk in more detail about each of these ideas. When possible, we'll present similarities between concepts from Haskell's type system and related ideas in other languages. We'll also touch on the respective strengths and weaknesses of each of these properties.
When we say that Haskell has a strong type system, we mean that the type system guarantees that a program cannot contain certain kinds of errors. These errors come from trying to write expressions that don't make sense, such as using an integer as a function. For instance, if a function expects to work with integers, and we pass it a string, a Haskell compiler will reject this.
We call an expression that obeys a language's type rules well typed . An expression that disobeys the type rules is ill typed , and will cause a type error .
Another aspect of Haskell's view of strong typing is that it will not automatically coerce values from one type to another. (Coercion is also known as casting or conversion.) For example, a C compiler will automatically and silently coerce a value of type int into a float on our behalf if a function expects a parameter of type float , but a Haskell compiler will raise a compilation error in a similar situation. We must explicitly coerce types by applying coercion functions.
Strong typing does occasionally make it more difficult to write certain kinds of code. For example, a classic way to write low-level code in the C language is to be given a byte array, and cast it to treat the bytes as if they're really a complicated data structure. This is very efficient, since it doesn't require us to copy the bytes around. Haskell's type system does not allow this sort of coercion. In order to get the same structured view of the data, we would need to do some copying, which would cost a little in performance.
The huge benefit of strong typing is that it catches real bugs in our code before they can cause problems. For example, in a strongly typed language, we can't accidentally use a string where an integer is expected.
It is useful to be aware that many language communities have their own definitions of a “ strong type ”. Nevertheless, we will speak briefly and in broad terms about the notion of strength in type systems.
In academic computer science, the meanings of “ strong ” and “ weak ” have a narrowly technical meaning: strength refers to how permissive a type system is. A weaker type system treats more expressions as valid than a stronger type system.
For example, in Perl, the expression "foo" + 2 evaluates to the number 2, but the expression "13foo" + 2 evaluates to the number 15. Haskell rejects both expressions as invalid, because the (+) operator requires both of its operands to be numeric. Because Perl's type system is more permissive than Haskell's, we say that it is weaker under this narrow technical interpretation.
The fireworks around type systems have their roots in ordinary English, where people attach notions of value to the words “ weak ” and “ strong ”: we usually think of strength as better than weakness. Many more programmers speak plain English than academic jargon, and quite often academics really are throwing brickbats at whatever type system doesn't suit their fancy. The result is often that popular Internet pastime, a flame war.
Having a static type system means that the compiler knows the type of every value and expression at compile time, before any code is executed. A Haskell compiler or interpreter will detect when we try to use expressions whose types don't match, and reject our code with an error message before we run it.
True && "false"
:1:8: Couldn't match expected type `Bool' against inferred type `[Char]' In the second argument of `(&&)', namely `"false"' In the expression: True && "false" In the definition of `it': it = True && "false"
This error message is of a kind we've seen before. The compiler has inferred that the type of the expression "false" is [Char] . The (&&) operator requires each of its operands to be of type Bool , and its left operand indeed has this type. Since the actual type of "false" does not match the required type, the compiler rejects this expression as ill typed.
Static typing can occasionally make it difficult to write some useful kinds of code. In languages like Python, “ duck typing ” is common, where an object acts enough like another to be used as a substitute for it [2] . Fortunately, Haskell's system of typeclasses , which we will cover in Chapter 6, Using Typeclasses, provides almost all of the benefits of dynamic typing, in a safe and convenient form. Haskell has some support for programming with truly dynamic types, though it is not quite as easy as in a language that wholeheartedly embraces the notion.
Haskell's combination of strong and static typing makes it impossible for type errors to occur at runtime. While this means that we need to do a little more thinking “ up front ”, it also eliminates many simple errors that can otherwise be devilishly hard to find. It's a truism within the Haskell community that once code compiles, it's more likely to work correctly than in other languages. (Perhaps a more realistic way of putting this is that Haskell code often has fewer trivial bugs.)
Programs written in dynamically typed languages require large suites of tests to give some assurance that simple type errors cannot occur. Test suites cannot offer complete coverage: some common tasks, such as refactoring a program to make it more modular, can introduce new type errors that a test suite may not expose.
In Haskell, the compiler proves the absence of type errors for us: a Haskell program that compiles will not suffer from type errors when it runs. Refactoring is usually a matter of moving code around, then recompiling and tidying up a few times until the compiler gives us the “ all clear ”.
A helpful analogy to understand the value of static typing is to look at it as putting pieces into a jigsaw puzzle. In Haskell, if a piece has the wrong shape, it simply won't fit. In a dynamically typed language, all the pieces are 1x1 squares and always fit, so you have to constantly examine the resulting picture and check (through testing) whether it's correct.
Finally, a Haskell compiler can automatically deduce the types of almost [3] all expressions in a program. This process is known as type inference . Haskell allows us to explicitly declare the type of any value, but the presence of type inference means that this is almost always optional, not something we are required to do.
Our exploration of the major capabilities and benefits of Haskell's type system will span a number of chapters. Early on, you may find Haskell's types to be a chore to deal with.
For example, instead of simply writing some code and running it to see if it works as you might expect in Python or Ruby, you'll first need to make sure that your program passes the scrutiny of the type checker. Why stick with the learning curve?
While strong, static typing makes Haskell safe, type inference makes it concise. The result is potent: we end up with a language that's both safer than popular statically typed languages, and often more expressive than dynamically typed languages. This is a strong claim to make, and we will back it up with evidence throughout the book.
Fixing type errors may initially feel like more work than if you were using a dynamic language. It might help to look at this as moving much of your debugging up front . The compiler shows you many of the logical flaws in your code, instead of leaving you to stumble across problems at runtime.
Furthermore, because Haskell can infer the types of your expressions and functions, you gain the benefits of static typing without the added burden of “ finger typing ” imposed by less powerful statically typed languages. In other languages, the type system serves the needs of the compiler. In Haskell, it serves you . The tradeoff is that you have to learn to work within the framework it provides.
We will introduce new uses of Haskell's types throughout this book, to help us to write and test practical code. As a result, the complete picture of why the type system is worthwhile will emerge gradually. While each step should justify itself, the whole will end up greater than the sum of its parts.
In the section called “First steps with types”, we introduced a few types. Here are several more of the most common base types.
We have already briefly seen Haskell's notation for types in the section called “First steps with types”. When we write a type explicitly, we use the notation expression :: MyType to say that expression has the type MyType . If we omit the :: and the type that follows, a Haskell compiler will infer the type of the expression.
:type 'a'
'a' :: Charghci>
'a' :: Char
[1,2,3] :: Int
:1:0: Couldn't match expected type `Int' against inferred type `[a]' In the expression: [1, 2, 3] :: Int In the definition of `it': it = [1, 2, 3] :: Int
The combination of :: and the type after it is called a type signature .
Now that we've had our fill of data types for a while, let's turn our attention to working with some of the types we've seen, using functions.
To apply a function in Haskell, we write the name of the function followed by its arguments.
odd 3
odd 6
We don't use parentheses or commas to group or separate the arguments to a function; merely writing the name of the function, followed by each argument in turn, is enough. As an example, let's apply the compare function, which takes two arguments.
compare 2 3
compare 3 3
compare 3 2
If you're used to function call syntax in other languages, this notation can take a little getting used to, but it's simple and uniform.
Function application has higher precedence than using operators, so the following two expressions have the same meaning.
(compare 2 3) == LT
compare 2 3 == LT
The above parentheses don't do any harm, but they add some visual noise. Sometimes, however, we must use parentheses to indicate how we want a complicated expression to be parsed.
compare (sqrt 3) (sqrt 6)
This applies compare to the results of applying sqrt 3 and sqrt 6 , respectively. If we omit the parentheses, it looks like we are trying to pass four arguments to compare , instead of the two it accepts.
A composite data type is constructed from other types. The most common composite data types in Haskell are lists and tuples.
We've already seen the list type mentioned in the section called “Strings and characters”, where we found that Haskell represents a text string as a list of Char values, and that the type “ list of Char ” is written [Char] .
The head function returns the first element of a list.
head [1,2,3,4]
head ['a','b','c']
Its counterpart, tail , returns all but the head of a list.
tail [1,2,3,4]
tail [2,3,4]
tail [True,False]
tail "list"
tail []
*** Exception: Prelude.tail: empty list
As you can see, we can apply head and tail to lists of different types. Applying head to a [Char] value returns a Char value, while applying it to a [Bool] value returns a Bool value. The head function doesn't care what type of list it deals with.
Because the values in a list can have any type, we call the list type polymorphic [4] . When we want to write a polymorphic type, we use a type variable , which must begin with a lowercase letter. A type variable is a placeholder, where eventually we'll substitute a real type.
We can write the type “ list of a ” by enclosing the type variable in square brackets: [a] . This amounts to saying “ I don't care what type I have; I can make a list with it ”.
We can now see why a type name must start with an uppercase letter: this makes it distinct from a type variable, which must start with a lowercase letter.
When we talk about a list with values of a specific type, we substitute that type for our type variable. So, for example, the type [Int] is a list of values of type Int , because we substituted Int for a . Similarly, the type [MyPersonalType] is a list of values of type MyPersonalType . We can perform this substitution recursively, too: [[Int]] is a list of values of type [Int] , i.e. a list of lists of Int .
:type [[True],[False,False]]
[[True],[False,False]] :: [[Bool]]
The type of this expression is a list of lists of Bool .
Lists are the “ bread and butter ” of Haskell collections. In an imperative language, we might perform a task many items by iterating through a loop. This is something that we often do in Haskell by traversing a list, either by recursing or using a function that recurses for us. Lists are the easiest stepping stone into the idea that we can use data to structure our program and its control flow. We'll be spending a lot more time discussing lists in Chapter 4, Functional programming.
A tuple is a fixed-size collection of values, where each value can have a different type. This distinguishes them from a list, which can have any length, but whose elements must all have the same type.
To help to understand the difference, let's say we want to track two pieces of information about a book. It has a year of publication, which is a number, and a title, which is a string. We can't keep both of these pieces of information in a list, because they have different types. Instead, we use a tuple.
(1964, "Labyrinths")
We write a tuple by enclosing its elements in parentheses and separating them with commas. We use the same notation for writing its type.
:type (True, "hello")
(True, "hello") :: (Bool, [Char])ghci>
(4, ['a', 'm'], (16, True))
There's a special type, () , that acts as a tuple of zero elements. This type has only one value, also written () . Both the type and the value are usually pronounced “ unit ”. If you are familiar with C, () is somewhat similar to void .
Haskell doesn't have a notion of a one-element tuple. Tuples are often referred to using the number of elements as a prefix. A 2-tuple has two elements, and is usually called a pair . A “ 3-tuple ” (sometimes called a triple ) has three elements; a 5-tuple has five; and so on. In practice, working with tuples that contain more than a handful of elements makes code unwieldy, so tuples of more than a few elements are rarely used.
A tuple's type represents the number, positions, and types of its elements. This means that tuples containing different numbers or types of elements have distinct types, as do tuples whose types appear in different orders.
:type (False, 'a')
(False, 'a') :: (Bool, Char)ghci>
:type ('a', False)
('a', False) :: (Char, Bool)
In this example, the expression (False, 'a') has the type (Bool, Char) , which is distinct from the type of ('a', False) . Even though the number of elements and their types are the same, these two types are distinct because the positions of the element types are different.
:type (False, 'a', 'b')
(False, 'a', 'b') :: (Bool, Char, Char)
This type, (Bool, Char, Char) , is distinct from (Bool, Char) because it contains three elements, not two.
We often use tuples to return multiple values from a function. We can also use them any time we need a fixed-size collection of values, if the circumstances don't require a custom container type.